Saturday, November 19, 2011

Manly Men

Toga movies are a bit like fashion magazines: only the fittest, most attractive people are displayed. Middle-aged, pot-bellied men aren't welcome, unless they're a villain or used to show Roman hedonism.  Forum says 'goodbye' to sex appeal, and chooses to use it's budget not on gallons of body oil, but on talented comedic actors. Forum embraces sweaty brows and 'real' men. 

Jack Gilford from Forum

Richard Burton in Cleopatra(1963)

Michael Hordern from Forum

Charlton Heston in Ben Hur(1959)

Zero Mostel from Forum

Russell Crowe in Gladiator(2000)

Phil Silvers from Forum

Kirk Douglas in Spartacus(1960)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Great showcase of comic vs. epic actors! Especially the bare-chested look of the epic heroes in juxtaposition with the insurance salesman look of Silvers or Mostel in their suits is quite effective. In a way, though, the star photos of the comic actors make them look still much more respectable and attractive than their actual costumes and masks in "A Funny Thing".

    BTW, what is your take on Miles Gloriosus? Isn't he at least attractive?
